Collections Of Objects

In dealing with the

real-world, we must learn to handle our collections.

cyber-world, we must learn how best to handle our Collections Of Objects.

It has been a life-long pursuit of mine: collections

Not to much unlike that of others, I perceive. I have an image of a comedy routine on TV some years ago, when the comedian was making comedy of this idea. Instead of using the word "collections", he used the word "stuff". While it was a comic routine, it was also an illustration of human management of collections of "valued", or "desirable" objects, and how to have the space required for their keeping.

Collections Of Objects how to create, manage, store, index, and retrieve them

It is:

the life work of many if not most programmers.

the subject of many books, whatever their title may be.

a continuing problem as newly observed, invented and manufactured objects appear.

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