His wiki (see Wiki Server Archives) can be found on wiki.bilog.2ya.com ( Broken Link )
<b>Elrey's Wikiserver </b> is based on 1.0 EW. Written in C++ and works on Windows OS. This program is essentially the 1.0 engine. This means it has the same built-in web server but now with enhanced wiki editing features. This version now follows a slightly different set of formatting commands, hence formatted wiki pages may not be compatible with other Wikiserver derivatives.
Elrey R. V. has added these new features:
<b>Double click</b> on a page to switch to Edit Mode.

<b>RSS 2.0 FEED feature</b> - new! Allows anyone to subscribe to pages or certain categories!!
<b>DRAFT</b> mode version of page is used until explicitly published.
<b>TABLES</b> are supported. Table row schemes <b>Highlighting.</b> - new!
<b>Top left-corner image icon</b> can be any of the <b>graphics formats</b>: jpg, bmp, png, gif. No icons will appear if graphics file is deleted.
<b>Ability to view versions your pages</b> up to certain limit.
<b>Easy way to remove Page footer</b>. This is useful in <b>Printing</b>. Just click footer date.
<b>Variable Starting Title</b> or <b>port</b> number via command line parameter when program is run.
<b>Categorized Pages</b>. You can group related set of pages under one category.
Inter-Wiki , Intra-Wiki capability
<b>Protected pages</b>. This disallows other users from editing certain pages.
<b>Hidden Pages</b>.
<b>IP filtering</b>. Set the valid IPs to have full access to your pages.
<b>Formatted Topic lines</b>. Using the html tags H1, H2...H6 via simple format commands
<b>Spaced Titles</b>. Wiki words are always displayed as spaced words.
<b>Prevent Wiki Word</b> interpretation. Useful when you don't really intend to interpret a wiki word.
<b>Source code support</b>. Highlights language keywords in Csharp, Java or C++.
<b>Main icon</b> is used for a missing category icon.
Flexible <b>Style sheet</b> files. Default CSS.
<b>Hide long URL</b> with short Title/alias link: using url-link-here{alias}
<b>Make links optionally open a new window</b> using url-link-here{{alias}}
<b>Adjusting Edit area</b>. Edit area automatically adjusts to screen resolution.
<b>Fix slow connection save</b>. Such as when using dial-up.
<b>Enhanced footnote navigation</b>. Move back and forth between footnote and item.
<b>Escape section.</b> Allows for advanced formatting by using <b>any HTML commands</b>. e.g. using x:{ put any html here }
<b>Variable icon</b> per topic or category, <b>Variable CSS Stylesheet</b> per topic or category.
<b>Optional Thank you page. </b>You don't have to press link to return to edited page.
Six Single Quotes (hack) enabled.
Recent Changes now shows <b>who (IP address )edited the page</b>.
and a lot more...
<b>DOWNLOAD LOCATION</b>: (Beta) You can <b>try it now</b> by visiting wiki.bilog.2ya.com ( Broken Link )
<b>Possible future mods:</b>
Macros to enable one to create his own formatting commands.
Page Templates.
Preview page.
Copy and restore previous versions. For privileged users only.
Simple Diff. Just enough to highlight approximately what has changed.
<b>Elrey Ronald. V.</b> writes mods only during his spare time and sometimes depending on what feature is needed for his personal work. In the mean time he hopes that others may also try his current mods.
<b>Contact E-mail:lambda326[at]hotmail.com</b>
<i> Also try Wiki Asp </i>
<i>P.S. Special thanks and mention is given to Eddie Edwards who started it all through his great program Wiki<b></b>Server (Eddies Wiki).</i>
I've just installed this, and it seems amazingly cool. I intend to use it to replace my sprawling collection of plaintext files containing various notes and stuff. Who else is using it?
Update: This is working out even better than I'd hoped. I've been listening to a lot of 'self-help' audiobooks recently, and just listening while making notes on the wiki is far, far more effective than my haphazard noting process before.
<i>I use it in my computer and also in our group's local intranet setup. Some people may be using it on Internet just like EW version. The power to be able to publish and subscribe to each other's wiki RSS in our group is an interesting setup! ~ Elrey Ronald </i>
I use it for school to communicate with other students (solve problems in programming) and to make a good bundle of the theory. But I have a problem, I would like to change some things on it, but elreys isn't answering on my mail. Is there anybody having the source code? or where can I find it?
See original on c2.com